Title Track: Thunderous MV Teaser 1 & the use of Irworobongdo
Irworobongdo, the traditional Korean painting/folding screen that represents KING of a dynasty, is used in Stray Kids’s Thunderous MV. If you wanna know more about it, here is a great video! https://t.co/ekmQDhPHlm
— 퓨얼fuel. (@dragonbless9) August 19, 2021
일월오봉도에 대해서 더 알고 싶다면!!👍 https://t.co/InnhHvTWmG pic.twitter.com/9ggLQnZgoD
More on theory territory:
The analysis from today news:
By now, many people relate the blue light with goblin fire or Dokkaebi (creatures from Korean mythology and folklore)