Just Breathe Audio is out (by timezone)
MV Teaser
The song is released at 00.00 21 Feb your time zone. At the time of posting, it's out in Japan, Korea and Australia Link【配信開始】
— SKY-HI (@SkyHidaka) February 20, 2022
JUST BREATHE feat. 3RACHA of Stray Kids#JUSTBREATHE#SKYHI#3RACHA#StrayKidshttps://t.co/VdJWmvR7xb pic.twitter.com/vgaOl71gNi
just breathe campaign on line music
— 일🐢 (@inniefinity) February 20, 2022
top 30 people who played the just breathe on line music 333 times will receive an original sticker with autographs of sky hi and 3racha https://t.co/qjYCuWmG2E pic.twitter.com/hTpxyzLcPZ